Against the swindles and the violent abuses of the "caritatives" (charity business organization).

With the Sustain Comity to the Assocs and Families Victims of Emmaüs, active Solidarity!

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A thirty years Adventure

At the beginning of the seventies, "l'îlot de Ville d'Avray", a small area in the Center of Sevres, a little city in the SW Paris' suburb (92), is all that which remains of the old town center. When he is itself promise to the destruction as the whole old town center, the inhabitants, at this old time, loving the charm of its winding lanes and stand up for its restoration. Utopia does not stop here. They develop the idea and the practice of a social "ecological" habitat, and managed by its inhabitants.

With their own hands, they rehabilitate façades and indoors, and develop, with eloquence and enthusiasm, their convictions, sharing them with the population and administrations.

Opening a popular urbanism workshop in their neighborhood area, they become, with help of building contractors and architects, laureates in 1975 of an invitation to tender of the "Plan Construction" (a Ministry board): they had choose as theme the rehabilitation of their district.

In 77, the principle of the destruction in order to build motorway and luxurious flats is definitively buried and this of a social oriented restoration is adopted.

A first step is then cleared.

Now, they must found a /***developer/maître d'oeuvre who agree to sustain a social housing operation, managed by the inhabitants on a whole district.

Meanwhile, contacts where tied with the ***PACT and l'ARIM. and by them, the link is found with the Hlm society Emmaus. Here, a young manager, Pierre Barre, defend similar ideas than inhabitants'one. These present their project to the Sevres' mayor and convince the SEMI-Sevres to confer the operation at the hopeful couple, Inhabitants / Emmaus..

A few time later happens the death of Pierre Barre. His successor, Jean Michel Hercelin, is not a fervent of the "autogestion" (self-management) and of the given commitment. A disagreement atmosphere starts settling and the project get bogged down... J. M. Hercelin however commits himself, with the associations and inhabitants, initiators of the project. He promises "to insure their autonomy by the possibility for them to manage directly all the future fees and decisions and the signature of emphyteotic leases" but this commitment is not yet become concrete!

It's with relief that the inhabitants welcome the nomination of Mr. Deshayes. This one allows the reestablishment of a beginning of dialogue between the Emmaus company and the inhabitants. Then rehabilitation works can at last start again, after more than 15 years waiting.

Meanwhile, the original project has lost a lot of its content. Beyond the consultation of individual needs, what is happened with principle of conception, of realization and of management of a social and innovating project with the participation of the inhabitants?

The rare inhabitants who still defend such ideas keep always a good support with the leaders-founders of Emmaus and notably owing to the presence of the "Directeur Général" (chairman) Georges Dunand.

This hope, should-it be definitively buried down with the sudden death (and kept hidden!!!, until the acts of violence of this month [may]...) of this one?

The commitments taken and lot of times repeated, should they be betrayed?

In spite of the dramatical recent events (acts of violence/runsacks/attemps to expulse/eviction and throw to street associations, adults and children who since lot of weeks are constrained to "camp" in order to survive and protect that stay of their house. Suicide of one of the place: a friend, old lady, but in perfect wealth: desperate by these violences and almost by beeing afraid of to stay deprived of her sole friends, she throws herself into the Seine river.

An hope of "reparation" and of dialogue subsists.

Today we cannot accept than many associations including the Association pour the Logement Familial (family housing), the foundation ***"Internet and Démocracy"-(public acces, solidarity and freedom), the ***Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif (secular jewish community center)... and also for the habitat part many adults and three children including a(g) baby of 10 months, who might have been spoiled and thrown to the street... All of this is always more and more threatening... So let us, together act!

- for the maintain in their offices and the respect of the rights of the associations and Sevres' families.

- for a reparation of the committed prejudices.

- the start of "taking stocks" of the operations till now and actions initially scheduled.

Re-boost Initiatives and cooperation!

In the district, it exists still spaces and willingness in order to reach the initial aims. Let the Emmaüs corporate remember herself too of her own aims, who distinguish her from other companies and because of them the inhabitants choosed her, now more than 20 years ago.


Sustain comity (moral, material and financial!) - --

Contact- Ans: 46 26 17 90 ans (00) (33) (0)1 45 34 95 33 /18 rue des Caves, 92310 Sevres, France.

in order to send us a here!




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Back to historical/chronologies 

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A 30 Years Adventure

Sevres Emmaüs

A Partnership which Turns into Catastrophe

Or A New Chance for Both Parts



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or a summary of the file.



 A look on the district… the quartier?? 



c:\ab\18\em09-hi5.doc18/04/98 04:46:36


Thank to use this doc waiting that someone gets enough energy to translate and htmlize the whole form! (any time/help welcome)

Actions en Soutien aux

Assoc and familles victimes... d'Emmaus!

Quand Emmaus, par coup de force.... tente de jeter the gens à the rue!

Il y a cinquante ans Emmaus s'engage aux côtés des exclus d'alors and crée ou protège their logements.

Aujourd'hui the SA du même nom, devenue a gigantesque bureaucratie, veut the expulser.

Ou comment l'utopie réduit à the cuisson

Vous voulez agir concrètement pour réparer the dégâts and éviter que de tels actes ne se reproduisent

formulaire de soutien sur the net and ailleurs

  1. Je souhaite prendre connaissance des autres dossiers de victimes de the bureaucratie and de manoeuvres d'exclusion dans notre commune (ou commune limitrophes).
  2. Je connais des cas similaires ou proches que je souhaite voir mieux connus ou défendus (Sos [in]Justice).
  3. J'aimerai participer à ...
  4. type d'action que l'on souhaite entreprendre..

  5. Je peux venir sur place assurer permanence ou tour de vigilance.
  6. temps /plages horaires..
  7. venir en cas d'urgences (numéros and heures d'appels/délais)
  8. participer aux chaînes téléphoniques
  9. sujets d'intérêts and projets que je souhaite voir aboutir ou se développer en premier
  10. (pour que the soutien soit aussi a échange...)
  11. Je peux appeler /administrations /média /Emmaus and assimilés / autres soutiens potentiels /chaîne téléphonique
  12. de chez moi

    sur place

    l'un and l'autre

    temps /plages horaires..

  13. effectuer des mailings
  14. faire signer des pétitions,
  15. collecter des fonds pour the soutien en général / pour a information /dans the presse /autres
  16. organisation du soutien financier... (cf pt xx/yy)
  17. distribuer des tracts: sortie gares lycées pare-brises /boite aux lettre marché manifestation cult. Autres
  18. affichage: rue /panneaux /bureaux /commerces
  19. pour the deux dernières rubriques quartiers préférés?
  20. faire connaître the activités des assoc
  21. internet /formation /informatique /info tiers monde Sos In-Justice /alter /Yd Laics /enfants /leche league

  22. documentation archivage, rédaction /rewriting
  23. mise en forme internet
  24. je connais lieux de travail / habitat /stockage
  25. enfants
  26. orga activités /fêtes /artistes /chanteu/r/se/s musiciens... cf pt3/4
  27. ...
  28. utilisation d'internet pour ca (et personnalisation des textes pour the net (une de nos bonnes activités, s'pas?)

Je Souscris dès aujourd'hui... [Merci d'indiquer vos priorités d'action]

q 100 F q 300 F q 500 q 1000F and plus ........

Prénom: ....................................................................................... Nom: ............................................................................................

Adresse: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

Code postal: .................................................. Ville: ............................................................................................................................

Téléphone maison: ............................................... Plage horaire :...............................................................................................................

Téléphone W: ....................................................... Plage horaire :..............................................................................................................

Autres précisions, si vous the souhaitez, pour mieux se connaître...

Association: .......................................................... Profession: ...........................................................

Age: Sujets d'intérêt:

Plages horaires préférées etre joint ............. Etes-vous déjà équipé q Type de micro .........

Vous avez a minitel q a modem, vitesse: ........ Un prestataire d'accès q Lequel ?: ........

AC /Com. Soutien: 18 rue des Caves 92 310 Sèvres rép: 45 34 95 33



Sustain comity (moral, material and financial!) - --

Contact- Ans: 46 26 17 90 ans (00) (33) (0)1 45 34 95 33 /18 rue des Caves, 92310 Sevres, France.

in order to send us a here!




Retour vers les historiques/chronologies

Back to historical/chronologies 

Back To

A 30 Years Adventure

Sevres Emmaus

A Partnership which Turns into Catastrophe

Or A New Chance for Both Parts



or version short

or historical record more /very precise...

or a summary of the file.




A look on the district… the quartier??