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Pour qu'à Sèvres (92) cesse le scandale Emmaüs!


Sevres / a small city in SW Paris' suburb

stop Emmaus scandal!


Who scorning all their own commitmentsand without any reasons other than "free" heterophobia from a part of her bureaucracy, destroys, and tries to expulse, associations and families with children of witch a(g) baby!

Years 60-70

Managing "otherwise" /"alternatives", associative, ecological, more collective et "warm" life styles since lot of years...

Years 70-80

... a small group of Sevres' inhabitant/e/s propose, a score of years ago, to Emmaus a partnership in order to they accompany them to enlarge and perennise their ***"alternative" experiences...


The new Emmaus direction (the Emmaus HLM manager just died) leads, against that subsist of these associations and families, ransacks and attempts of eviction.

A mediation meeting in the offices of DAL (Droit Au Logement, an active half/charity business reformist association/ Rights for Housing) is finally got. But during the hours even where the new director seems to start again the dialogue with the associations, a gang of filthy troublemakers send by Emmaüs destroys a large part of the house.

Is it tolerable?
Can-we stay by inactivity/passivity complies?


****"Vivre plus simplement pour que d'autres puissent simplement vivre"

****"Living simpler in order than others can simply live"


Sustain comity (moral, material and financial!) - --

Contact- Ans: 46 26 17 90 ans (00) (33) (0)1 45 34 95 33 /18 rue des Caves, 92310 Sevres, France.

in order to send us a mail...click here!



To Organize the sustain campaign!



Sèvres Activitiés

Sustain and presence on the spot


Calls and interventions upon Emmaüs


Emergency rooms/offices on the spot, in order keeping alive associative activities

and sustain organization



Paris Activities and generally!


Organization of the sustains and twinnings with other struggles and actions

Contacts with others branches and administrators of Emmaus

Contacts news, press, personalities, administrations...


To 'inform oneself by consulting leaflets and files

Ask and fill the complete sustain form


Last minute:

After had tried to spoil us of our places/offices and of our house, Emmaus agitate the Town council... and innovate pretending that a mayor want/can ban the associations and citizens of a t parish/commune, if he doesn't like them...


I suscribe todayi... [Thanks to give yours action priorities]


q 100 F q 300 F q 500 q 1000F and more ........

q 20$ q 40$ q 100$ q 200$ q 1000$ and more .....


Prénom: ............................................. Nom:............................................................

Adresse: ...................................................................................................................

Zip code: ............................ Ville: ..................................Country.....................................

Téléphone home: ......................... Plage horaire :.........................................................

Téléphone W: ................................ Plage horaire :..........................................................


others precisioss, if you want ,in order to better know ourselves...

Association: ................................. Profession/job: ...........................................................

Age: Interest Subjects: .............................................................................

AC /Com. Soutien: 18 rue des Caves 92 310 Sèvres /France Phone Answer M: (00) (33) (0)1 45 34 95 33


in order to send us a sustain mail...click here!



Retour vers the historiques/chronologies

Back to historical/chronologies 

Back To

A 30 Years Adventure

Sevres Emmaus

A Partnership which Turns into Catastrophe

Or A New Chance for Both Parts




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or historical record more /very precise...

or a summary of the file.