\\w-t\wt-c\ab\mi\retour-ed1.doc 18/04/98 06:20

Going on, continuing to build the "alternatif" eco-village of Sevres


In this SW (Paris') suburb small city, land of contrasts, renault factories and large suburban bronxy flats, "protected" areas at two steps from the Underground and from ...the woods…

In order to deal with the links "Cities - rural areas"

In a life-middle of deep researches in ecology and personal and social transformations, for human relationships with warm hearing and understanding abilities, a true place for the kids, for living simpler in order to others can simply live...

You had read the docs, and all that which turns around of this "thirty years long adventure", so you know that the situation isn't so simple... (euphemism!) but today it exists some important acquired facts and stakes, many dozens of houses and offices must sill be (re)build and the destiny of the hundred already existing, in dialogue with the present and future inhabitants, and the different partners is at a crucial turning...

How to put again on the rails

- an utopia who has ripen a little bit too quick?

- a partnership with a mastodon structure who forgets easily, in the facts, the ideals he doesn't stop to put in front line in each of its professions of faith?

Beyond of this fascinating experience of follow up and enhancement of a program so rare by its situation and its longevity, and the means and invested energies by its handful of initiators..., all that which will be stand up together, for this project of eco-village district will serve to enrich the whole movement and, why not, give birth, by "swarming", by "twinning" with other realizations Ville-Campagne (cities/rural areas).

Self-building - Ecological rehabilitation - Simple and joint responsible life - Culture Bio Diffusion., Computerized Networks- Social and personnel devel..


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A 30 Years Adventure

Sevres Emmaus

A Partnership which Turns into Catastrophe

Or A New Chance for Both Parts







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